The UnNoticed Entrepreneur

Unlocking Your Entrepreneurial Superpower: How to Discover Your Gift and Turn It Into Profit

July 18, 2024 • Jim James

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Many business owners excel at their craft but struggle to articulate what truly sets them apart. In this enlightening episode, JoDee Turner, co-founder of Elevate5, shares invaluable insights on uncovering your hidden talents and crafting authentic narratives that resonate with clients. With over a decade of experience, JoDee explains how to dig deep and find the 'software running behind the scenes' that makes you special. She reveals why understanding your gift is crucial for business growth and how to translate it into a powerful online presence. Learn practical strategies for building websites that truly represent your business and generate leads, while staying true to your core purpose.

Recommended book: "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho 
Recommended podcast: "The Game" by Alex Hormozi

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Jim James (00:00)
Do you know what you're gifted at? As an entrepreneur, we're often doing work that we're good at and we've become professional implementing it and selling it, but often we've lost track or even weren't really aware of what the true gift was. We've been so good at commercializing what we do that we're not necessarily aware of that. We maybe have a story, maybe we're not even sure of that story. If you're in this place where you're doing work, but you're not entirely sure what your gift is,

and you're wondering how to make a story that's compelling and engaging, my guest today is gonna be perfect for you because she helps business owners to identify their gift, but also to help make that gift into a story that then becomes part of their brand. She's working particularly with businesses and helping women entrepreneurs to find the confidence and the mindset that they need

to expand into the kind of roles and the opportunities that they are capable of taking. Welcome to the show, JoDee Turner, who's joining us from a company called Elevate Five, where she is the co-founder and CEO with her sister. And we'll talk about siblings and maybe sibling rivalry later on. JoDee Turner in Colorado, welcome to the show.

JoDee Turner | (01:20)
Thank you, Jim. I'm so excited to talk about gifts and story with you today.

Jim James (01:25)
Well, we talk a lot about story and you're the first guest that I've had on the show who raised the issue of the gift of an entrepreneur. Why does having a gift matter? Surely customers just want results, they want service at the lowest price possible. So why is it important that an entrepreneur has a gift and that they identify what that gift is?

JoDee Turner | (01:51)
Absolutely, that's a beautiful question. So it's a loaded question too. So my answer is gonna be a little loaded in the return, but worth it nonetheless. So as you know, when our clients, when entrepreneurs are growing multi-six multi-seven figure businesses, they're knocking off a lot of challenges. They're figuring out how to have the perfect service. So good that people can't help but say, yes, sell me more, tell me more, let me tell my friends.

Then they're figuring out their processes and their delegation and growing teams and they're really figuring out the operations side of things. They're leaning into their leads and their marketing and they're mastering all of these pieces. But yet we've found, and there's certainly lots of authors and lots of research and yourself included, that story is what really sweetens the pot and gets those of us in their potential audience, their audience to listen. But,

but the nugget behind that or the glue between their company and their marketing or their company and their outreach where their business is going is actually their gift. And it's the thing that those of us in running our businesses, the founders, the CEOs, the presidents, we're the last ones to know. We are the last ones to know what our gift is. It is inexplicably tied to your purpose.

And it's hiding just out of plain sight where everybody but you most likely knows that it thrives and lives behind the scenes. And Jim, we were talking about your gift before we come on today. And I was saying, I was making an educated guess from listening to your show in the past that your gift is finding the interesting nuggets behind the scenes, behind the curtain of these entrepreneurs. That way,

when you have these discussions, it's gold. You're really finding out what makes them tick and what that interesting piece is. Where do their passions lie? And I would say it's the same thing for us as we're working as an agency to write, to craft the story for our clients as they're going out to market. It's really about their gift. Because if you're not talking about that, you're not talking about the right thing.

Jim James (03:56)
JoDee, well, thank you. And I take that as a huge compliment, by the way, especially coming from you that you felt that I'm getting these nuggets. And I'm very blessed that people like yourself come on the show and want to share their insights and their wisdom. So I'm really very blessed. I just stand here with my hands open and people kindly drop those nuggets into my palms. But JoDee, why is it that the gift isn't obvious?

JoDee Turner | (04:22)
You know, I think as entrepreneurs, it's difficult to see the forest for the trees. We know so much about our businesses. We have to challenge ourselves to be learning continually, whether that's in the different areas I already mentioned, certainly mindset as we're trying to grow and reinvent ourselves at each new level that our company achieves. The gift is that unwritten or that unseen,

piece that let's say it's the software. It's the software that's running behind the scenes that you don't quite identify unless someone points you in the direction of it. So often our clients come to us and they'll say, I think examples are good here, so I'll give a couple, Jim. Maybe it's the million dollar home builder and they say, I don't know why, people just wanna work with me, they just trust me. Well, there's a nugget there, why do they trust you? Why do they wanna work

with you. He said, well, they think I'm interesting. They like my personality. Well, so it's running just beneath the surface. And all I have to do is dig and we're able to then craft the correct story, which really resonates with his audience. And the same is true for other clients. And we serve in a lot of different industries. Let's say the wellness industry. Sometimes we've had clients come in and say, I'm really good at helping

identify where someone isn't feeling well so that they can rest better and live a better life. Well, after you ask a little bit and find out why they do that, they tell you this revolutionary story about how a traditional nurse practitioner turned to functional medicine to help his autistic nonverbal daughter go to mainstream school. I mean, you just tap a little bit and you get to this

gold that's underneath, just underneath the surface running everything that they just haven't seen themselves.

Jim James (06:18)
Jody, I think what's so powerful there is that you're helping people to identify possibly a quality, a personality trait that they take for granted because as entrepreneurs, we're so busy thinking about the business model and often feeling insecure about selling who we are and rather think about how we monetize what we think people might need that we almost run away from the gift, don't we? Because the idea of monetizing that

for most of us with some insecurities, that seems a very, very difficult challenge, doesn't it?

JoDee Turner | (06:53)
Yes, it seems difficult, it seems unclear, it seems potentially unimportant. We've got all these very important tasks on our multiple devices and post-it notes and our gifts don't typically surface when we're trying to be effective each week. So I'm blessed to get to tap into that for our clients. I love that piece of what I get to do.

Jim James (07:16)
And at Elevate5 what seems incredible is if you're hoping people to identify the gift, the story then is authentic, isn't it? Because one of the challenges that many people have with developing a story is that it's not really sustainable because it doesn't come from a very solid foundation.

JoDee Turner | (07:22)

Right, that, you just, you've hit it direct. That was a direct hit, Jim, I love that because if, we all have stories and you and I covered a lot of ground before we talked today, you know, some more professional, some more personal, some about journey and finding where our connection points, you know, where they lay in that, in that, those parallel journeys. And the same is true for growing your business is,

you can tell all the stories in the world, but if they don't have a clear purpose or a clear connection to that client, they don't say, me too. you like story as well, Jim? Me too. You have a sister that you've worked with? Me too. It's in our connections that the real authentic, juicy growth lies in our business and our lives. I mean, that's where it's at. So if you can tell a

 story, a meaningful story in a way that engages the listener and helps their heart say, me too. That's where all the goodness begins, right?

Jim James (08:40)
And JoDee, I think it's Les Brown says every story has a point and every point has a story, which I think is such a great way of flipping those words around. But JoDee, you've got a story, which is you've got a sibling business. You and your sister have had Elevate5 for, I think, how many years now?

JoDee Turner | (08:59)
10 years, we've passed that decade birthday, which felt like a big achievement, right? Thank you.

Jim James (09:05)
 You've called Elevate5 . We'll talk a little bit about working with your sister and also what that means in terms of the client base and the marketing in a moment. But first of all, what's the story behind Elevate5 ? I like to know about company brand names and the origin story of the names because that in itself can be part of the proposition when it comes to your public relations, to your pitching

into your marketing. So tell us about Elevate5 as a brand name. What's the origin?

JoDee Turner | (09:36)
Yeah, absolutely. So that's so good. As Karen and I, my sister and I were founding the company, what we really wanted to do was shine the light on these small businesses, these businesses that are growing and they're just not quite sure how to show up online. You have an element too of where you're helping your audience with tech. There was a piece there. So my sister's brilliance is in

the tech that's running these beautiful sites behind the scenes. And then we overlap in our love for branding and design. We have multiple degrees in those areas. And then I love the marketing, the communication side of things. So as we were combining skill sets and looking at growing the company and we were working working the naming, what happened was that it was all about elevation and it was all about light. And we felt, you know, there's a Christian element to our beliefs and

we feel that Matthew 5 was put in front of us, verse 14 through 16, and it is about shining your light, and you are placed on a hill, and you're not to be under a basket, and that God wants you to shine your light. And we felt that we were both called to do so, but then we were also called to do so for our clients. So for 10 years, that has been where we show up, and we continue to be on purpose, doing that very, very much on purpose.

Jim James (11:01)
That's wonderful. I think that we talked earlier on about the authenticity of the story. I'm sure it's no coincidence that your agency has lasted for so long because you have that authenticity and integrity and higher purpose. I mean, the successful companies manage to radiate that through the organization and to their customers. Now, in terms of customers, JoDee, you're serving,

JoDee Turner | (11:07)

Jim James (11:28)
small businesses, but also you've got a range of businesses. It's fashionable to niche. You are being unfashionable by not niching. Now, tell me why you're not niching down and just serving the same kind of clients with the same kind of service. Why are you being unfashionable?

JoDee Turner | (11:37)
You're right.

I love that question. So I find that the opposite of what is currently fashionable is true. So yes, there is, you know, we hear the, all of the sayings and the little puns of, you know, riches are in the niches and all of these pieces. And there's certainly lots of proven examples of that. I am not breaking that apart for anyone yet for us, success has really come in our depth and our breath. So.

And that's reflected in helping these clients not only tell that story, but then tell it very purposely on their website and radiate that through their brand. And then, how does your marketing show up? So we're able to help them across those ranges. So why couldn't it be the same for our clientele? So as clients are attracted to us, what we usually find the through line is, Jim, is that they're very purpose -driven.

They're coming in and they say, listen, I'm trying to do something good in the world. My website, my brand, my marketing has gotten in the way. I want somebody that sees something deeper going on here and can help us formulate that clearly. So where we've worked between functional medicine to accountants to financial advisors to

construction industry to ranches. I mean, you wouldn't believe the range, but you know what it does? It makes us interesting individual, interesting humans. And we are then able to turn around to the client that comes in and feels they're in it. Just this week, we had a home healthcare agency come in with our team. We're excited to be serving them. And right alongside them was the largest

Class A motor coach RV park in Florida joined us at the same time. And we're so excited to serve them both and they have so much in common. But because we are not so niche down, we are uniquely positioned to really speak to both our challenges.

Jim James (13:55)
And JoDee, I think you've raised a really, well, lots of good points there, but you know, as we know from the David Epstein book range, you know, he talks about how we bring experiences from diverse industries. And that's why as a show, I have a common through line is entrepreneurs and their marketing. But I decided not to niche into just, for example, SaaS marketing or just tech, because actually we can learn from other industries and other practice, but also as individuals, as humans,

we need to be inspired, right? And if you're turning up and just doing the same kind of client, the same time every day, then you're going to struggle with motivation. And I've also found working with some clients from the UK that they work with specialist agencies and actually all the output for all the companies looks the same. I was working with a company in the kitchen design area and actually they have agencies that focus in kitchen design and of course all the websites look the same, right? So the

JoDee Turner | (14:44)

Jim James (14:54)
the diversity of insight and perspective that you bring from Elevate5 really keeps the client feeling and looking unique in their own sector as well. So personally, I'm a big fan of that diversity of ideas. So great for you for that.

JoDee Turner | (15:07)
I think.

I love it. We can be unfashionable together, Jim.

Jim James (15:15)
We both got caps on. JoDee looks infinitely more fashionable in hers than I do. You can see her on YouTube if you're listening to this. She's got a very nice Elevate5 cap on, so very fashionable. JoDee, let's just turn our attention a little bit to the kind of clients that you serve. We wonder whether you're talking about the gift and your approach to that. And we were talking a little bit before we started recording about how

JoDee Turner | (15:18)
I know. I wouldn't say that.

Jim James (15:45)
some entrepreneurs struggle, if you like, with self -confidence before actually building their brand. Do you want to just talk to us a little bit about the work that you think some entrepreneurs benefit from and is a foundational piece in order for them to scale their companies?

JoDee Turner | (16:08)
Yeah, absolutely. I think I check me on this and make sure I'm answering what you're asking here. But as we're starting working with clients, we start them all the same. I mentioned all of those different industries. We have a one-on-one meeting, myself, the client, and their team lead who's going to be writing their copy and working through asset generation with them and pulling existing assets from the client. So it's functional and unsexy.

But then on the other hand, the meeting is very much about poking in all the corners, right? I get to ask all of the uncomfortable questions that the entrepreneur goes, why are you asking me that? But that's where you get to that little underlying software that we have talked about earlier is to ask all of those questions in that first call. And then very strategically, the copywriter is hearing them firsthand. They're hearing the word choice. You know, we're

we're learning of each other during this call, Jim, and I'm learning what you're about and the words that you choose, that you're a voracious reader, that you like education, such a passion for that. But yet you never once said that directly. It's just because we're listening. So it's very much that type of a, what do I want to say, an organic call where we're just asking questions and we know that we're onto something because when the entrepreneur says, I'm really excited about that.

You know, we lean in, our energy elevates. You can about feel the energy pop off of them. And you go, there it is, that's it. So while we don't have a, I don't have a three step set of questions that we asked to answer that. It's always the same result. The questions poke around where they are passionate, why they're doing what they do, what sometimes keeps them up at night, what they're most proud about and their accomplishments.

And you'll uncover it very quickly. And I would challenge, you know, yourself and your listeners to do this. Do it on your next date. Do it on, you know, whether it's your spouse or it's someone you've never met. Do it with your teenage daughter at the coffee shop and watch them light up in their body position change and they'll glow and tell you, they won't be able to help themselves. They'll tell you everything.

Jim James (18:23)
I'll try that with my teenage daughters next time they dine to go out with me. I'm allowed to drop them off and drive off. I'm at the Uber dad stage, JoDee. But you do have a methodology which is for free scaling, a framework which at the end of the show we're going to give a link to. So I think having spoken with you, your ability to identify the gift will become a methodology.

JoDee Turner | (18:28)
I know right? No, no, no. amen.

Jim James (18:52)
Very, very soon, I think, JoDee, won't it? I think that's absolutely something you articulated brilliantly. And then I think the next iteration, I'm sure, will come out for everyone to enjoy. But you have also then, I think, launched some coaching and training, especially for female entrepreneurs, haven't you? Do you want to just tell us a little bit about that? Because I know from my own experience that some entrepreneurs are struggling with self -confidence. I guess that's what we're talking about, isn't it? They've got a lot of gifts, which is why I started this show.

JoDee Turner | (18:52)
Thank you. I love.


Jim James (19:21)
They'll notice on print, a lot of people who've got great gifts to share, but they have to feel confident in themselves before they can move forward. Just tell us a little bit about the work you're doing there, JoDee, as Elevate5 .

JoDee Turner | (19:32)
Absolutely, and that certainly is a place where you and I, our passions align here. So while we serve that wider breadth of clientele, where we dive in and help the female entrepreneur who's, you know, most typically they're looking to hit six figures or multiple six figures, but they're in their own way a little bit. And we know this because my sister and I, you know, certainly had the same challenges and struggles. We're just able to identify the needs and build out.

a mentorship in a community and a training that helps them get past those hurdles very effectively. So it's a very intentionally, you know, a low barrier to entry in terms of cost and time because we know they're busy. We know they're looking to grow and lead productive lives. But what we're able to do in that give back area, that passion project area of our business is see these women, you know, just

change their lives. They truly change their lives by changing their business. And we're honored to get to feed into everything from mindset and branding to website and funnel creation. And it really becomes this community, it's a sisterhood of support where these ladies can come in and we hear everything from the teenage daughter that doesn't wanna have the deep conversation to, I have the,

I just put out my first six figure bid. I've never done that and seeing the confidence escalate. So it's where life and business meet in this beautiful little community.

Jim James (21:02)
So JoDee, if there is one recurring

theme, a one recurring solution that you offer these women. Could you give me one? Is there a recurring?

JoDee Turner | (21:22)
Is there a recurring theme? I think they need to not do it alone. And that's really the backbone of what my sister and I have been blessed with in growing our company is we had each other. So during seasons where there were very real life challenges or very real evolutions happening, the other is able to step forward and lift the other one up and remind the other one about that light that we're shining, right?

And so we were very blessed to be able to do that. And you've done that for your siblings, and I'm sure they've done that for you as well. Not everyone has that sister, that business sister that they're in partnership with. So we wanted to create something that really helped remind them of who they are and relight that fire when it needs to be lit.

Jim James (22:07)
I think that idea of not going it alone is really an essential, whether it's through masterminds or finding a mentor or a business partner is essential because being an entrepreneur is hard enough. And even if you have found your gift and you've built an authentic story, the challenges of scaling a business then remaining true to that story can be very, very challenging indeed. JoDee, you've been an entrepreneur now for a - -

JoDee Turner | (22:11)
Yeah, we hear that a lot.

It is.

Jim James (22:37)
over 10 years. So congratulations on that. And, you know, it's an accomplishment. If there's a mistake from a marketing perspective, as you know, I focused on that specifically on this show, that you might say that you and your sister have, have experienced, let's say, what would that be?

JoDee Turner | (22:59)
I love this question. I think best described by the infamous Steve Jobs, but one idea expressed clearly. I believe that is the gem and the mistake that we made because there's the double-edged sword to serving so many industries and serving them in so many different ways. You still have to be able to boil that down to one idea expressed.

And if you can't do that, people don't know how to say, yes, I need your help, or yes, I want to work with your team, or yes, I need that result. So really at the end of the day, what we found is people knock on the door because we do websites. So if you ask me to boil it all down to one piece, we do websites. We just do them exceptionally well because we employ all of these tools around that result.

Jim James (23:53)
Isn't that interesting that for all that theory, all that mindset, all that encouragement, amazing websites from Elevate5 is the functional need that

JoDee Turner | (23:56)

Yeah, that's the delivery, right? That's the deliverable.

Jim James (24:09)
But then as you say, at the end of the day, there's a transfer of money from company to company, and there needs to be some tangible result. And if it's a website, that's part of that program that the entrepreneur needs from you. But you're hoping them to get to a place where that website represents them truly and is engaging and helps take their business. Because a website is the storefront, isn't it? It's not.

JoDee Turner | (24:18)
That's right. That's right.

 It's your VP of sales. I mean, really, truly, your website should be generating leads. And if it is not, it is not doing you the service that it should. And that doesn't mean you have to mourn. We have a lot of people that come and knock on the door and

they're embarrassed about their ugly website and no, it's bootstrapped, you're growing it. I don't care if it's on Wix, I don't care what you did to get started, I don't care if you just have a Facebook page, if it grew you to six figures and beyond, it was a success. And now it needs to grow up to the next level to catch back up with your business. And that's a very natural evolution and a powerful one. You were cash positive in that season because you,

you bootstrapped it in the beginning and that's okay. And we use those wins and then create that next iteration of their website to be more powerful and more real about who they are at that time.

Jim James (25:29)
So JoDee, you've articulated what people come to you for. What's your number one tip that you would give to the UnNoticed Entrepreneur? Go on, I'm putting you on the spot there.

JoDee Turner | (25:40)
tip for the UnNoticed entrepreneur.

Jim James (25:42)
Do you need to ring your sister for a call? Call a friend, call a sibling. There you go, I'm buying you some time. I'm putting you on the spot for number one tip.

JoDee Turner | (25:44)
Yeah, right. Can I call my friend? Can I call my sibling? I love that.

I like it. The number one tip. I mean, it's going to sound like a broken record, but I truly, truly believe if you can figure out what that gift is and how that creates the story, the very real and true story about who you are and the results that you create for your clients and you can translate that into your website and brand. That's the formula. That is the formula. At the end of the day, that is what makes people say,

Hey, I wanna speak with you. I want you, I want Elevate5 to do my website, not the hundreds of thousands of other solutions out there that are very talented in their own right. People have to connect to what it is that makes you different. And that's the formula that helps them identify, his different is my flavor and that's who I wanna work with.

Jim James (26:46)
you JoDee, where can they find you?

JoDee Turner | (26:48)
Yeah, absolutely. So the word elevate and the number five, there's our portfolio, some of the beautiful clients we've worked with and the results we've gotten to create. So they can pop in here and check through our portfolio, look through our blog for different resources there. And then on the homepage or even at that top right, you can see our scaling framework. And that is

comes from the heart and the soul of what you and I have been talking about throughout the interview here, Jim, is how do you grow this business that is what you want the business to be? We can be, yes, financial success is the result we're after, but let's have that financial success packaged up in a framework that makes you thrive, that makes you happy, you're not coming home at the end of the day feeling

exhaustion, instead you're enthralled because of the type of work that you're getting to do and the people that you're helping. And this framework really helps them identify how to grow with that alignment in mind.

Jim James (27:53)
That's wonderful. And so you can go to Elevate5. That's the numeral 5 and it's the five pillar framework to gain clarity and up level your business. It says, Hey business sister. So I shall send my sister to your website. JoDee Turner, final question, a podcast or a book from you please.

JoDee Turner | (27:56)
Yes. Yes.

Yeah. Yeah. Please.

I gotta give you two. So I'm gonna go totally business minded on one. For the podcast, I love the game by Alex Hormuz. He is out pushing the edges of theory and really how to authentically market. And he has a little bit of a different flavor about it, which I appreciate. I'm probably the least likely to be in his target market. So that is a very genuine nudge for that. And then book wise, The Alchemist by

I love, I love, love, love that book. I think I've read it, I couldn't even tell you, 20 times probably. It's the epitome of the beach read and it's what can lull you to sleep at night but still packs a lot of punch.

Jim James (28:58)
The Paul Coelho, The Alchemist? Yes, funny if Jared Lepiccolo just mentioned the same book. So, yeah. So if anyone's listening and you haven't misheard, two guests have actually mentioned the same book. Great minds think alike. It is a great read. JoDee Turner, if you want to find out where to contact you, how can they do that?

JoDee Turner | (29:01)

No kidding.

I love that.

Find out where to contact us JoDee J O D E E . Come to our website as well I Find us on social you can jump in about anywhere and we would love to love to support any questions that someone might have

Jim James (29:44)
Thank you so much for joining me from Rode in Colorado. It sounds gorgeous.

JoDee Turner | (29:49)
Thank you, Jim.

Jim James (29:52)
So you've been joined by JoDee Turner and she is the co -founder of a company called Elevate5 with her sister, over a decade of experience. And she is someone, I think if you want websites, but I think she's got so much more to offer. So do find her on social. Thanks for listening to me, Jim James, your host on this show. I think, you know, a couple of key takeaways. One is that there's a lot of talk about story.

But we have to look upstream, we have to look at the gift that we have, because it's identifying the gift that will supply the fullness of the story. And it's with the story then that we can build the business. And we have to get all three of those into alignment in order to scale over time. Thanks to JoDee for really bringing that home for us today, because it's a fresh insight on a very, very important fundamental.

If you've enjoyed this, do please share it with a fellow UnNoticed Entrepreneur, because we don't want anyone to go UnNoticed. And if you've enjoyed it, leave a review because it really helps me to know what you think of the show. And until we meet again, I just encourage you to keep on communicating.

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